I have crappy cell phone pictures of my PITCH nails. I will post better pictures that my mom took on her camera when I get them.
So, as you can see, on my left hand I spelled out the word PITCH. On my right hand I painted on the flags that also say PITCH. From left to right is the P flag, I flag, T flag, C flag, and H flag. You can see them on one of my PITCH sweatshirts that is in the picture.
I had so many people take pictures of my nails at the yacht club this weekend. It was crazy, they loved them. I had somebody come up to me in the parking lot and say "I kept hearing about your nails and figured I should come take a look." It was awesome. It was a really long weekend. I was feeling sick the entire time and didn't sleep well so I was exhausted. The regatta went very well though, I think everyone was happy with it.
Whenever the pictures from the regatta get posted I think I'll post the link here. I love sharing what goes on, especially since I spend so much time there. Thanks for reading!
Beautiful work!!
Looks good!!
But someone could get the wrong idea from your left hand. lol!
Tierneyyy!!! Sorry I haven't been commenting on your posts lately. I love your nails though ^_^ ♥
Hey, you will do really well. What kind of course is it? If it's the full nail course with things like anatomy and physiology you will have so much to learn but it is great fun when you get practising. Can't wait to hear about it! x
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